Testing delay increases COVID-19 cases in Honduras, according to microbiologists

"Only the Central District could be pulsing with more than 30 thousand positive cases and around 50 thousand cases nationwide, most of them asymptomatic that are infecting other people," he said.
Unofficial figures indicate that there are about seven thousand tests that are pending processing at the National Virology Laboratory, with an average delay of 10 days, of which the percentage of positivity would be higher than 71 percent.
“We have a very high number of pending samples; of these, we calculate approximately 5,000 positives, and if we count that three to five people are infected for each one, we could then speak of a very high number of cases, ”said Aguilera.
"All the contacts of the last two weeks have not yet been sampled to see if they are positive and have been circulating as asymptomatic carriers, infecting others," he added. Faced with this scenario, he called on the public to take extreme biosecurity measures and abide by the provisions of the authorities to avoid getting infected.
Due to the impact of the virus, which in the national territory is already around 13 thousand cases and has claimed at least 363 lives, since the previous Friday six municipal markets have been closed in the capital and as of this Monday, June 21, the phase zero of the smart reopening of the economy and social sectors.
In this regard, Dr. Marco Tulio Medina, a member of the Surveillance Committee of the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH), explained that said determination was made based on the analysis of the behavior of the pandemic.
"It has been a unanimous recommendation of the Vigilance Committee, in the sense that it return to phase zero and that corresponds to a decision to make a strong recommendation to all citizens of our capital city, in the sense of avoiding crowds extreme all the measures that have been recommended to avoid the epidemic ”, he expressed.
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